HELP International

    Contribute funds or materials to HELP's projects.   HELP is always looking for volunteers- check out our latest opportunities!   Visit HELP's discussion boards and share ideas. 

HELP receives financial, material, equipment and technical support for its Domestic and Overseas Projects from the following donors and sponsors:

Federal Donors:  Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Environment Canada, CARDS/AESI, Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Agency (PFRA Shelterbelt Centre).

Provincial Donors:   Saskatchewan Environment, Saskatchewan Environment Industry Managers Association, Shand Nurseries, Evergreen/Walmart.

NGO Donors:  Pheasants Forever, Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation, Knights of Columbus.

Current Municipal Donors:  City of Weyburn, Towns of Halbrite, Gull Lake,  Carievale,  RMs of Weyburn, Brokenshell, Laurier, Lomond, Wellington.

Other Private Donors:  TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, Industrial Electric, Peavey Mart, Barber Motors, Lackey Auctioneers, 46 schools, and over 180 farm owners around the Weyburn area.  HELP also benefits from non solicited donations from private individuals of goodwill.

 © HELP International 2014